Frequently Asked Questions

Where will the meetings take place?

Library, client’s house or other designated public place.

How does the process begin?

It begins with a free meeting between parent(s), child, and tutor. If that meeting is successful, then a contract is drawn up and signed.

How will you tutor my child?

It depends on the child along with knowing his/her strengths and weaknesses which will be determined during the initial meeting.  Every child learns differently and acquiring good feedback during the first meeting from parents and child will be beneficial.

What are your rates?

I charge by the hour and depending on the needs of your child. My rates are between $45.00 – $75.00 per hour. Please call for more information.

What is your approach?

I draw from the holistic approach where all areas are looked at…from organizational skills to how the child manages his time. I do not only help the child in his subjects but also assist with handling life and everyday situations.

Can you guarantee results for my child?

There’s no guarantee on anything, only progress. If parent, child and tutor work as a team the positive results will show. The ultimate responsibility falls on the student because he or she has to put the real effort in.

What about testing?

Getting any testing results will help me gauge where a child is scholastically but does not define it.

All areas need to be accessed.  I believe schools rely too much on student testing to gauge a child’s level of academic competency.

How does payment work?

Parents have the option to pay in full anytime during the month or pay each time a session is completed.

What does my child need to bring to the session?

His or her backpack with necessary books and binders. Also homework, paper, pencils, and pens.  We will review all other needed materials as they are different for each child.

Do you have references?

Yes. Please refer to the “Testimonial” section of this website